1. All exhibits must be bona-fide property of the Exhibitor. In the case of the Farm and Garden produce exhibits, they must be grown by the Exhibitor, and in the case of livestock, must be bona-fide property of the Exhibitor since 1st May 2024.
2. The judge’s decision as to merit shall be final and objections on other points must be lodged with the Secretarial team, in writing, on the date of show and must be accompanied by a fee of €20. All objections will be decided by the committee and the fee returned unless the objection is considered frivolous.
3. Where age is a qualification, the committee may in any case direct an examination by the V.S. The committee shall hear any submissions by the exhibitor and shall then decide the matter and the decision shall be final.
4. The term ‘committee’ in these rules means the group consisting of a Chairman, A member of the Secretarial team, one Treasurer, one Vice Chairman and the P.R.O., or any four of them.
5. The judges are empowered to with-hold prizes in any class where there is not sufficient competition or merit, and furthermore not to award a Second Prize unless there are three or more exhibits, and not to award a Third Prize unless there are five or more exhibits in any class.
6. All cups and perpetual trophies won by exhibitors at the 2023 show must be returned to show secretary, 3 weeks prior to the 2023 show. Each recipient must sign a form accepting responsibility for cups or trophies before the same are presented at the 2024 show.
7. The winners of a first prize in a class will not be eligible to compete in another class unless it is classed ‘Special Class’.
7a. An animal which is the winner of two first prizes will not be eligible to compete in another class unless it is a Qualifier. The Show grounds opens at 9:00 hrs. Livestock and exhibits must be presented by 11.00 a.m. Exhibits for produce must be presented by 12 noon. Exhibits must not be removed from Show ground before 4.00 p.m. Judging commences at times stated in schedule.
8. Entries in all classes close on May 14th, 2024. The declaration on the entry form must be signed by the exhibitor and must be accompanied by the correct entry form, Flock/Herd/Equine number other- wise entry will not be accepted.
9. The committee will not be responsible for loss or accident of any kind which may occur to exhibitors, exhibits, visitors, spectators or otherwise.
10. The committee requests exhibitors to send in their entries as clearly as possible.
11. Should any matter arise not provided for in the purview of these rules and regulations, the same shall be referred to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final, from which there shall be no appeal and entries are only accepted on these conditions.
12. All foals must be haltered and always led.
13. To finance current and future development, the National Executive of the Irish Shows Association has placed a ‘Championship Levy’ of 5c in €1 on all prize winners in the Horse sections. This fund will be deducted from the prize money to be paid out in this section.
14. All animals must be shown at owner’s risk and in that regard, owners are advised to ensure that they have adequate insurance cover.
15. Exhibitors of the Home Produce Section are not allowed in the Hall while Judging is in progress.